Fixing Directions

N.E.W. Systems Installation Manual offers a detailed information on correct installation techniques and detailing execution instructions as well as product storage information. The content has been specifically developed to inform roofing contractors of best practice and standards in the installation of waterproofing membranes and to ensure that N.E.W. Systems are correctly executed.
With its N.E.W. Systems Installation Manual General Membrane aims to lead roofing contractors throughout the waterproofing project, as well as to afford construction managers a useful monitoring tool and a coherent view of the steps necessary to successfully accomplish the job. The services developed by General Membrane for an accurate design and a correct installation, together with the Site Inspection Reports specifically developed to monitor N.E.W. Systems’ work in progress combine to ensure the Client a perfect Waterproofing Solution.
Installation process and safety aspects must be in compliance with the local standards in force.