STOP THE WATER, CATCH THE SUN is the mission that distinguishes General Solar's General Solar PV system.
General Solar PV is an integrated flexible photovoltaic waterproof system (BIPV - Building Integrated Photovoltaic) certified according to the technical standards CEI EN 61646 and CEI EN 61730.
In order to protect the roofing, General Membrane has developed the General Solar PV system, whose characteristics allow the installation of waterproof photovoltaic systems without compromising the durability of the roof system, respecting the waterproofing.
The system is composed of a bituminous waterproof layer to which the flexible photovoltaic laminate is coupled in situ. In the case of existing roofs waterproofed with smooth or grit bituminous membranes, it is necessary to lay a layer of Phoenix Solar Tech bituminous membrane in total adherence as a layer for receiving the flexible photovoltaic laminate.