Cutter with a hooked blade and ergonomic aluminium handle. Particularly suitable for cutting waterproofing membranes.
Cutter with a hooked blade and ergonomic aluminium handle. Particularly suitable for cutting waterproofing membranes.
Cutter with a hooked blade and ergonomic aluminium handle. Particularly suitable for cutting waterproofing membranes.
Cutter with a hooked blade and ergonomic aluminium handle. Particularly suitable for cutting waterproofing membranes.
General Solar PV is the flexible photovoltaic waterproofing system architecturally integrated by General Membrane.
The solution developed for anchoring traditional photovoltaic modules on the roof without damaging the roofing integrity.
From design to installation, from insurance to maintenance: a unique system with unique materials developed to ensure the maximum durability of the waterproofing work.
Greentank is an innovative pre-applied and self-healing waterproofing system with the innovative properties of General Easy Seal technology.