General REFLECT PAINT SOL is a special solvent-based ceramic and fast drying paint; the special polymers the paint contains confer bituminous membranes, both new and existing ones, high gripping properties. It is formulated with solvent-based thermoplastic resins, inert fillers, pigments, anti-mould, anti-algae and various additives.
General REFLECT PAINT SOL is a special solvent-based ceramic and fast drying paint; the special polymers the paint contains confer bituminous membranes, both new and existing ones, high gripping properties. It is formulated with solvent-based thermoplastic resins, inert fillers, pigments, anti-mould, anti-algae and various additives.
The solvent base makes it possible to use the product even at low temperatures, as it results as less sensitive to water stagnation. During summer the temperature of the bituminous surface is reduced from 80° C to about 40-45° C, thus improving thermal insulation and waterproofing service life.
General REFLECT PAINT SOL is suitable to coat and protect plastomeric polymer-bitumen membranes (BPP and APAO). The white paint and specific additives, besides extending the service life of bituminous membranes, reduces the temperature of the outer surface, in order to reduce the "hot islands" phenomenon. High solar reflectance (0.81%) greatly reduces the heat absorbed by sun's rays, thus reducing the temperature of the waterproofing surface, with relevant energy-saving features for cooling of buildings. The high thermal emissivity (90%) favours the dissipation of accumulated heat. General REFLECT PAINT SOL is designed to reduce the temperature of polymer-bitumen membranes, while increasing the reflected light, in order to improve the efficiency and output of photovoltaic panels, as well as energy efficiency. General REFLECT PAINT SOL can also be used on concrete, fibre cement, wood and metal surfaces.
Blend well before use. General REFLECT PAINT SOL must be applied in open and well ventilated areas, away from open flames or heat sources. Before applying make sure that surfaces are clean, free of dirt and have a minimum slope (at least 1 to 1.5%). The application must provide at least two coats, preferably crossed, to ensure colour uniformity and high reflective, insulating effectiveness. Apply a first coat (using a brush, roller or airless) of General REFLECT PAINT SOL; the second coat is to be applied when the first paint layer is completely dried, approximately after 6 hours. Consumption: 0.150 – 0.250 g/m² per coat of General REFLECT PAINT SOL on smooth membranes and 0.250 - 0.300 g/m² per coat on mineral membranes.
5, 10 and 20 Kg cans.
Colour: white.