Waterproof photovoltaic module
GENERAL SOLAR PV MONO ARC uses monocrystalline silicon solar cells. The advantages of using monocrystalline silicon cells are as follows:
Efficiency: since monocrystalline solar panels have the highest degree of purity of silicon they are also the most efficient. The rate of return (the amount of energy in the form of sunlight that is converted into electricity) is very high and is usually around 20%.
Small size: since monocrystalline panels have the highest production power, they also require the least amount of space to achieve the same power as other types.
Duration: monocrystalline solar panels tend to last longer and perform better than a polycrystalline solar panel classified in the same category at lower solar intensity conditions and at lower temperatures.
The GENERAL SOLAR PV MONO ARC photovoltaic waterproof module is available in the version with dimensions 2054 x 1093 mm and requires approximately 6 square meters of surface to install 1 kW peak on a roof.