In General Membrane we believe that the value of the company lies not only in the ability to optimize production and profitability processes, but also in contributing to environmental sustainability.
The certifications of the management systems of quality (UNI EN ISO 9001), environmental impact (UNI EN ISO 14001), safety and health of workers (UNI ISO 45001), the Carbon Footprint (UNI EN ISO 14064-1), the self-declared environmental claim (UNI EN ISO 14021), as well as the solutions and the products offered are the coherent proof of our mission and values.
Today, the commercial proposal is enriched with an innovative range for waterproofing and thermal insulation of buildings, which is distinguished by the high content of recycled material: ECOFRIENDLY is the environmentally friendly line and ideal for those who choose sustainable design solutions, complying with the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) of Italian regulation and useful for obtaining LEED credits fostered by the international body Green Building Council.

Cutting-edge solutions. General Membrane offers the sustainable building market waterproofing solutions with a high recycled content and extremely durable, contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact of new design proposals and refurbishments. In Italy and worldwide
Word of Environmental Claim. The validity of the products of the Ecofriendly line for CAM and LEED is attested by the Self-declared Environmental Product Claims that the Company is authorized to release to the customer thanks to the international certification UNI EN ISO 14021, obtained in November 2020. Through this kind of document, General Membrane can self-certify the percentage of recycled material in its products. In particular a pre-supply environmental statement and a post-supply environmental statement will be provided, in order to support the customer with precise data about the amount of recycled material in the finished product.

Recycle, reuse, reduce. Recycling of materials is now a strategic resource for environmental protection: the use of raw materials in industrial processes is reduced and compensated for by waste and scrap from the first production cycle which are recycled, i.e. put back into production, becoming secondary raw materials and thus reducing the environmental impact (fewer virgin resources used and fewer products thrown away for disposal).
What, once used, was considered unusable, now acquires new value as a second raw material that can be employed in new, more sustainable production processes. General Membrane is proud to give its contribution for a greener world.

Discover all the products of the Ecofriendly range: